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The Siding and Windows: Before

I've been looking forward to this for a looong time.

If you follow Squaw Creek on Facebook, you know what I'm talking about.

Our long-awaited siding project has begun!

Our house was built in 1907/1908 and still has the original wood siding.  Unfortunately, over the years, the wood has deteriorated and is in pretty bad condition.

How bad?  Well...

When we began remodeling the living room in 2008, we found a vine growing up the wall to the 2nd story.

When we removed the kitchen cabinets, we could see daylight in places.

When the wind blows from the north in the winter we can feel cold air coming up through the floorboards on the 2nd floor.

And then there are the windows:

When the kitchen windows were replaced, these two side-by-side windows weren't even the same size!
Hey - recognize that tripod lamp?

When the wind blows from the east during storms, the curtains in Adam's room actually sway in the breeze.

And the original windows in the living room and dining room are drafty enough to refrigerate our house.

But I am happy to report that the beginning of the end (of cold drafts and ugly exteriors) is here.  Stay tuned for more details and updates as the work progresses!

Shared at
Funky Junk Interior's Saturday Night Special 
Metamorphosis Monday